
20 Game Reviews w/ Response

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I'm having the feeling that Frenchie was at a party and this happened.

Frenchie14 responds:

*reads comment*
*starts sweating*

I can't play it because of my PC. But from what it looks like it looks fun

BoMToons responds:

Restart device, use diff browser, clear cache, close other apps/tabs/windows, etc.

The game is good. It has a couple of issues but in my opinion, the game is good enough. First, my issues are like. It would be better if you like had a choice of what you could be doing Like when you hear that scream from Upstairs you could just stay in your room and get a different ending and when you enter in that room you could jump out of the window or wait in the room. And get a different ending. I would really want that. I would also just want a running button. Again the story is great because of course Junji Ito is an amazing manga artist and writer. But you should put a lot of things from yourself so it's not a frame by frame recreation with different design of characters. Still I did enjoy a lot of it

Sijbren responds:

Thank you for the feedback

When I saw there were 8 devs that worked for this game. I was excited. And this game is very very good. It's very hard with most of the levels just taking your control and just making you play a level without a control key. It's a very good idea for a game and an indie small browser game like this one. This game was also again insane with its difficulty. It's like ripping your nuts off types of hard and just challenging feelings. Yeah, maybe it isn't action-packed but it's a good and very fun side scroller. The art style and music are a very good tune. The pixel style is amazing and is very pleasing to the eyes. I wanna ask the artists that were in this game if you guys used asesprite? But whatever this game is great and is a fun game to rage at. I don't have any problems with this game. Is great. I will give it 5.5/5. Sarnyoger, bub, JonTheRealJon, minichibisart, MistaJub, orisghost, Oroshibu, and THXsprites are the talented devs that made this game. They are amazing and should be checked out for their work

Oroshibu responds:

Yeah we all used aseprite

there are tons of problems about this game. There are more goods then bads but I'm mainly talking about the biggest issue of mine. The lack of health bars. Now it may seem pretty weird talking about this but hear me out. When I hit a enemy in lets say the Simpson arcade fighting game it gives me his health bar going down. In this game if I hit a enemy it gives me some numbers. That doesn't matter. I just want to see how close he is to getting defeated so I can then fight another enemy. Again another issue is that the gun in this game is almost giving no damage and its just a bullet sponge. If I had health bars I could have seen were I can defeat the enemy without just blindly thinking that the gun will kill now. Or now. The funny thing is that the easiest enemy in the game is actually the boss. Because they have health bars so you can know where you can actually kill him. A problem I had with this game was that the difficulty didn't matter at all actually. I played on normal and then on hard And then on easy and I felt like it was the same exact thing. The combo's are not many and the variety of enemies are not a lot. And let me get quick on some of the good things about the game: the sprites are really good, the effects and animations are great, the skill points make more variety on the way you can now fight and the controls were really responsive. But I do have to give this game a 3.5/5 for its big issues that make the game not that great and this is a really hard game even on the difficulty easy. So it will take a ton to beat it. So yeah.

Edit: Thank you for replying and reading my review. And thank you alot for telling me the hints like the gun is the easiest thing to have more skills and the difficulty changes. But my opinion still stands that there aren't health bars

MagicWing responds:

thanks for your feedback.
a good way to collect skill points with a gun.
the higher difficulty, the more enemies, and when you use advanced skills, you will have a more excited experience.

i have already updated a new version that added the health bar to the enemy

what is this game

jareedOoo responds:

You win if you hit the opponent far enough off-screen, kind of like how some fighting games have ring-outs, but you can only win that way. The numbers show how much damage each character has. The more damage they have, the farther they fly back, making it easier for them to lose. So that's basically how it works.

Now i know you said its a game you made for fun. And i appreciate that but still. This games soundtrack is a loop. There are no sound effects. The game is hard for no reason. The animation one animation and thats the main character walking. The games art style is diffrent from the background and more. So let me tell you is a 1 out of 5. Yeah i am crewl for this game but that doesnt matter if the game just gives me all this uncessesery things. Now im not trying to hate the creator of this game at any way ok? I think the creator had fun times while making this game and i appreciate that. If the creator is reading this i just want to say that you have a lot of potential of being a good creator and being a good game developer. You just need to learn more about game developing and maybe you will become a great game maker that makes gems of games.

Krafford responds:

yeah, thanks for playing and pointing out the issues, i'll try to imrove in the future

my opinion is my opinon. The game is not that good, if i could even call it a game. Its just you showing the diffrent characters you can do. I do like them, they are dettaild and cool but really thats it press enter to show a new character. The game was promising at the start but then kinda flopped. Im never crewl about video games but yours is not a game. Its just a character look at the monsters. I give it a 2/5

RampUp responds:

Thanks for your opinion. I agree, this project is lacking, especially to be called a game. The characters were intended for the viewers interest, but unfortunately cut backs were made due to poor planning which resulted in an unapplealing experience. I will make sure not to mislead the viewer in the next project.

Warning: this is a
a game review of Bonkers and so you should know that this is my opinion on this game. So if u hate or like it then good for u, so pls note that I think very differently about the game, ok? Ok. Let's start:

positives: in my opinion I think this game is actually pretty solid and fun, I like that this game is compatible with controller. I love this feature to death, just for the reason alone the few flash games do have controller compatibility and so this is a good feature for the people that don't like to play the game with the keyboard controls. Another good thing about the game is the art style and music. Now I have to give credit to Strandomyer, Milkyace, MajorWipeout, loudnoisy and GeloxLP for the really detailed art style and music, the artsyle is a chibi and pixel art form that makes this game even better. I really like the mechanic of the game with brawlers arms being a platform and combat helper and also you can combine both them for a hit in the air. I love the challenge that the game offers as well the puzzles that can be really hard and make you think, sometimes I will rage for dying and having to do the part all over agian and still its hella fun for me. The enemies are not that bad. They are cute and still pretty annoying when you get hit by them on accident. That was the positive part (aka the good parts i enjoyed of the game.) Now to the flaws

flaws: This game has some flaws but still it didn't destroy my experience with the game. The thing I hate the most about the game is that the game has no save files and no menu for options. The only thing you can do in the menu is to play the game and nothing else. I really don't like that because if there is no menu that means there is no save file or checkpoint. And that means that I had to play the whole game in one sitting, so pls MilkbarJack. If you ever gonna make a sequel, pls make a menu for the players that to play this game in multiple sittings. So that was pretty bad, another flaw about the game is that the frame rate is really mixed. There is a lot of smooth frame rate and then there are a ton of times were I enter a door for the next level and the frame rate is really really slow. There are some bugs too, like once were I fell in the floor and lost my progress and another time were some enemies would never die. It really sucks but thats all of this negatives. But I still enjoy this game and can even say that this game is actually more enjoyable then the first fancy pants (*coughing* my opinion *starts coughing again*). But yeah now let's get to the overall things about the game

overall: This game is a side scroller puzzle game with a lot of fun stuff in it. This really took me by surprise with the animation, music and ect. Yes there were some flaws but still it was a really good game, so I give it a 4 out of 6. If I was wrong then tell me what then tell me and I will read it so. Good bye.

Jack responds:

(smosh voice)SHUT. UP.

better then athem,

Flame152 responds:

Why do you have to ruin the streak? please get it back to a level where the memes belong! xD


doin your mom @HAL0GUY

I dunno. Doing your

Spiru Haret

behind you

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