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    140 Game Reviews

    20 w/ Responses

    baby game

    When I saw there were 8 devs that worked for this game. I was excited. And this game is very very good. It's very hard with most of the levels just taking your control and just making you play a level without a control key. It's a very good idea for a game and an indie small browser game like this one. This game was also again insane with its difficulty. It's like ripping your nuts off types of hard and just challenging feelings. Yeah, maybe it isn't action-packed but it's a good and very fun side scroller. The art style and music are a very good tune. The pixel style is amazing and is very pleasing to the eyes. I wanna ask the artists that were in this game if you guys used asesprite? But whatever this game is great and is a fun game to rage at. I don't have any problems with this game. Is great. I will give it 5.5/5. Sarnyoger, bub, JonTheRealJon, minichibisart, MistaJub, orisghost, Oroshibu, and THXsprites are the talented devs that made this game. They are amazing and should be checked out for their work

    Oroshibu responds:

    Yeah we all used aseprite

    JohnnyUtah Is such a great artist.

    Drop cannon Is another really good game made by the best of the best. Tom Fulp and other talented individuals like Monica, Phantom, Speedo, and Johnny Utah. This game is pretty fun actually. Yeah, it's not levels of challenge and madness that alien hominid had but that doesn't mean it's a bad game or anything. It's actually a really good game that has you to do multiple drops of weapons to put on cars so they can fight in a war with robots.

    the flaws I experienced with the game:
    Now in my opinion the game sometimes feels boring. There isn't a lot of variety or anything for that matter. Yes, there is the invasion but the invasion is easy even for the last parts of the game. And it just takes away your gameplay. I had a couple of glitches where I should have put the weapon on the car but the weapon somehow clipped as well the issue of no actual pause menu. I know this was made in a limited time being that this is a small forward flash jam but let's say I wanna go pee or something like that and I'm playing the game. I can't pee without losing the match and waiting for my team to die just for me to go to pee. And again let's say I have a really good drop with most of the cars having a weapon. But then I wanna go and let's say drink water. And then lose just because I could not pause the game. But in my opinion, these flaws didn't affect my gameplay that much and didn't make me wanna stop playing the game.

    The good things I experienced about the game:
    This games art style is so good, Speedo and Johnny did an amazing job animating, creating a drawing, and making these characters look really good. The drawing and style are smooth and sharp and it makes it look really enjoyable to see. With sound effects and music phantom did another amazing creators have this catchy fun and likable tune. The main character that will help you is a fine character in my opinion. Even if I sometimes got glitches in the game like camera jittering even tho my PC is pretty good and other things like that. Tom Fulp programmed this game with a lot of passion and love. From what it usually looks like. Thank you so much: the people who made the music, Tom Fulp, JohnnyUtah, I0litsmonica, PhantomArcade, and speedo. You are amazing and talented individuals with so much potential and love.

    The full rating of the game:
    In my opinion, this is a really good game with a lot of not that good things in it and a lot of good things in it. The game may be challenging for some but in my opinion the game isn't very hard. I will give it a 4.5/5

    i beat your game finally 100%. Very cool ngl. I would have hoped for more levels, and maybe you can make seven 2 with more levels enemies and mechanics. I still like it

    great game

    this game is really challinging and fun at the same time and it makes it really fun to play. I love the soundtrack. I love the art. I love the game in general

    there are tons of problems about this game. There are more goods then bads but I'm mainly talking about the biggest issue of mine. The lack of health bars. Now it may seem pretty weird talking about this but hear me out. When I hit a enemy in lets say the Simpson arcade fighting game it gives me his health bar going down. In this game if I hit a enemy it gives me some numbers. That doesn't matter. I just want to see how close he is to getting defeated so I can then fight another enemy. Again another issue is that the gun in this game is almost giving no damage and its just a bullet sponge. If I had health bars I could have seen were I can defeat the enemy without just blindly thinking that the gun will kill now. Or now. The funny thing is that the easiest enemy in the game is actually the boss. Because they have health bars so you can know where you can actually kill him. A problem I had with this game was that the difficulty didn't matter at all actually. I played on normal and then on hard And then on easy and I felt like it was the same exact thing. The combo's are not many and the variety of enemies are not a lot. And let me get quick on some of the good things about the game: the sprites are really good, the effects and animations are great, the skill points make more variety on the way you can now fight and the controls were really responsive. But I do have to give this game a 3.5/5 for its big issues that make the game not that great and this is a really hard game even on the difficulty easy. So it will take a ton to beat it. So yeah.

    Edit: Thank you for replying and reading my review. And thank you alot for telling me the hints like the gun is the easiest thing to have more skills and the difficulty changes. But my opinion still stands that there aren't health bars

    MagicWing responds:

    thanks for your feedback.
    a good way to collect skill points with a gun.
    the higher difficulty, the more enemies, and when you use advanced skills, you will have a more excited experience.

    i have already updated a new version that added the health bar to the enemy

    flash died too quickly. Even tho its like a 10 or 12 year old program. It feels like it faded away

    for the first 3 days of the tankmas ADVENture im already loving it. Now it has 3 drawing and its tradition that everyday there will be new art. Im really liking the 3 arts shown. Its really lovely. I also adore the music. ITS A JAM. Another that I love is that we got the small minitures of old newgrounds nostalgia and they look perfect for this game as well as the artwork of the main area. The Sprite work was great. Tom Fulp is a mad man for giving us this amazing platform. I hope the best to come for newgrounds. I hope all of you have the absolute best Christmas of your life. Thank you so much Geo kuerli, Brandy Buizel, Nick conter, Albe Gian (You do the best new grounds jam I have heard) Cymbourine, Mintyeggs and TheDyingSun for this amazing, traditional, lovely, jaw dropping, New grounds only game and traddition. And for the ones who have read the whole review from here I just want to say happy Christmas, Happy holidays, happy birthday if your birthday is on December. Hope everyone gets their best out of this year. Love and kindess

    Day 8. I really do think every single day is a real special day. And im really loving the design so you know. Thanks to Geo kurlei, Brandy Buziel, Nick Conter, Albe Gain, Bub, Cymbourine, Czy Szy, Dan from Barvia, Ein meister, Karlestonchew, knoseDoge, Mintyeggs, MKmaffo, ProsciuttoMan, Snackers, SplatterDash and the dying sun. You guys are real amazing people. Love to all

    Day 9. (But today for me its 10 so dont ask me why. Im early into this) whatever let me tell you something yesterday was my birthday. So i was excited but then i saw the arcade game with the horse man guy conter artist umm person (Nick Conter) I know how to say his name but whatever. Took me half and hour to get to actually have a 10 score or less. I did use the left click technuiqe but would you really think that i will actually win. No. So whatever Nick. If you are reading this. I put the tail on your face. So now you can look like shaulin monk. Ok that was weird but whatever thats not the point. I loved the new arcade. A first for the series. With 2 right now availibile and more to come. And it actually has actually a lot more then just a art expirence . I still loved it but now i love it even more. Also who added the spader invaders mini game. I wanna kiss on the head and say. Good job mate. Its the first ever time i raged at a flash game (not really flash more like newgrounds). So yeah. Now i would normally say thanks to all the creators but they are alot of people so i cant really take my time and count them all. So i just want to say all of you are fantastic and should get a gold crown

    Just a simple pixel artist. AND MUSICIAN. DONT FORGET THE MUSICIAN PART

    doin your mom @HAL0GUY

    I dunno. Doing your

    Spiru Haret

    behind you

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