for a person that got hit hard by the death of flash. Newgrounds for me has to be the only one to actually combat it. And are still making games for the web. Which is really sweet because I spent a lot of time on Newgrounds. And now in 2021, I think adobe was so goddamn stupid. Because they could have made flash a big thing, So big that it could give them millions but they just threw it in the trash just cause they could not update it well enough so it would not give you a screen that is blue with a sad face on it. But now with devs like ninja muffin, Stepford, and other talented game devs that are in a way changing web games forever. The big popularity of fnf made me think Of how awesome it would be if web gaming was actually more popular. We could get probably the best web games if that would be the chase. Genuinely hope that would be the future of web games. Also, this podcast was great. Psycho had some good opinions. madness combat being mainstream of gaming industries will be insane also