After 3 years of experience on this site. I think I have more thanks I wish I could give all of you. 2020 was one of the most painful years of my life. Some events really did change me mentally and if it wasn't for Newgrounds I would probably feel even more isolated than I have already been that year. Newgrounds really did show me that this is probably the best that the internet has to offer. There are issues. Fulpy Fulp fulp is not 1000% Perfect. But you can't compare it to Twitter. This place helped me emotionally, artistically, and mentally. I should have done this on my 100 followers' specials. I am disappointed I couldn't hold up. I wish I did. I am sorry. And promise I will one day do a great special. I appreciate every follow. Every click. Everything. I love every single one of you and cant believe i have such a great community supporting me and others. Love ya and see ya!!