so I know this is a little weird. The album has been out for like 3 months already. But I feel like now is a good way to talk about some fun facts about the album.
-There is a complete album with vocals by me. Why didn't I upload it? Cause it fucking sucked. I can sing or rap for shit. It's genuinely really the dumbest thing I have ever heard. So instead of that I just made it with only instrumentals. But I would have loved vocals for ghost
-cut songs are plenty. Burnout and meltdown were once cut but I then made them into the songs they are today. Tho there are some I just cut cause I didn't like them. Here are some titles (workers get 0, medival, copy) And I have made beats for these songs but I could not finish them, and when rehearing those songs they kinda sucked.
-there is a finished and better version of corp. But tbh I won't make changes to the album now. I probably make it a single if I do release it. Why doe did I make corp so shit. Well, I did it intentionally.
-The last song on the album is not burnout. It let it rot but accidentally forgot about burnout when posting the audio. And then a day later I posted insanity and burnout
-I wanted Corey to sing one of the songs. But didn't do so because I felt like I wanted to do it without anyone involved
yeah, that's it. Now if you don't care then good for you. I have 2 drawings ready. One of them for madness day so uhh get excited I guess.